Writing a case study based on news events involves several steps to ensure excellence: Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to approach this task:

Jefferies Jiang
2 min readMay 15, 2024


### 1. Select a Relevant News Event

Choose a news event that has substantial information available and is relevant to the topic you want to explore. This could be a business development, a political event, a technological innovation, or a significant societal issue.

### 2. Research the Event

Gather comprehensive information about the event. This includes:

  • **Primary Sources:** Direct reports from reputable news outlets.
  • - **Secondary Sources:** Analysis, commentaries, and expert opinions to gain different perspectives.
  • - **Official Statements and Data:** If available, look for press releases, official statements, or published data related to the event.

### 3. Define the Objectives of the Case Study

Decide what you want to analyze or demonstrate through your case study. Objectives can vary widely, such as examining the impact of a decision, understanding the implications of a policy, or exploring the consequences of a technological failure.

### 4. Outline the Case Study

Create an outline to organize your content. A typical case study format might include:

  • **Introduction:** Brief background of the event and a thesis statement.
  • - **Background Information:** Detailed information about the situation leading up to the event.
  • - **Event Analysis:** In-depth analysis of the event, including different phases, key players, and decisions made.
  • - **Impact and Outcomes:** Discuss the short-term and long-term effects of the event.
  • - **Lessons Learned:** Highlight key takeaways and lessons learned from the event.

### 5. Write the Case Study

With your outline in place, begin writing your case study:

  • **Be Descriptive:** Provide a vivid description of the events, settings, and people involved.
  • - **Be Analytical:** Don’t just describe what happened; analyze why things happened and what could have been done differently.
  • - **Use Visuals:** If possible, include charts, graphs, or images to support your analysis and make the case study more engaging.

### 6. Cite Your Sources

Ensure that all information is accurately cited to maintain credibility. Use a consistent citation style throughout your document.

### 7. Review and Revise

Review your draft to check for coherence, flow, and accuracy. It’s helpful to have someone else read your case study to provide feedback.

### 8. Finalize the Document

Prepare the final version of your case study, ensuring it’s professionally formatted and free of errors.

### Example

If you were writing a case study on a major corporate merger reported in the news:

  • **Introduction:** State what the merger was and why it’s significant.
  • - **Background:** Detail the history and status of the companies involved.
  • - **Event Analysis:** Discuss how the merger was executed, challenges faced, and strategies used.
  • - **Impact and Outcomes:** Evaluate the immediate impact on the market, employees, and consumers, as well as potential long-term effects.
  • - **Lessons Learned:** Conclude with insights into corporate mergers, strategy implementation, and market reactions.

This structured approach will help you develop a comprehensive and insightful case study based on a news event.

